With the continuous advancement of dental medical technology, minimally invasive tooth extraction and immediate implantation have become essential components of modern dental restoration treatments, offering patients more convenient and efficient solutions. This article aims to present a clinical case of immediate implantation of a DentalMaster DMEqual implant following minimally invasive lower jaw tooth extraction, demonstrating the practical application of this technology in complex oral environments.
The patient, a 60-year-old male, visited the clinic due to significant pain in the lower molar area while chewing. After examination, a root fracture was diagnosed, and the patient expressed a desire for implant restoration. Considering the patient’s age, oral health condition, and specific diagnosis, we decided to use minimally invasive tooth extraction to remove the damaged tooth and immediately implant a DentalMaster DMEqual implant in the extraction socket, aiming for a rapid and stable restoration of oral function.
This case not only highlights the clinical advantages of minimally invasive extraction and immediate implantation, such as reduced surgical trauma, shorter treatment duration, and improved patient comfort but also further validates the feasibility and effectiveness of the DentalMaster DMEqual implant in complex oral conditions. Through detailed analysis and discussion of this case, we hope to provide valuable insights and references for dental professionals, contributing to the continuous development and progress of dental medical technology.
Case Information
Basic Information
Gender: Male
Age: 60
Chief Complaint: The patient presented with significant pain in the lower jaw (tooth position 36) when chewing food and sought treatment.
Present Illness:
The patient was diagnosed with a root fracture and is seeking implant restoration to restore tooth function.
Medical History:
The patient reports being in good health with no significant medical history.
Allergy History:
The patient denies any known drug allergies.
Clinical Examination
Pre-operative CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) revealed a vertical root fracture at tooth position 36, rendering the tooth non-restorable. Extraction of the affected tooth is necessary, followed by implantation to restore the tooth structure and function.
Treatment Plan
Pre-operative Planning
- Minimally Invasive Extraction of the Fractured Tooth: The first step is to use minimally invasive techniques to extract the fractured tooth at position 36, ensuring minimal damage to the surrounding tissues during the procedure.
- Cleaning of the Extraction Socket: After extracting the affected tooth, the extraction socket is carefully cleaned, removing all debris and granulation tissue, creating a clean and healthy implant bed for the subsequent surgery.
- Preparation of the Implant Site and Immediate Implantation: Based on the pre-operative CBCT measurements and the patient’s oral condition, the implant site is gradually prepared to the correct dimensions. Then, an immediate implant of the DentalMaster DMEqual 5.0*8 model is placed to ensure stability and initial retention of the implant.
- Placement of Healing Abutment and Suturing: After the implant is placed, a healing abutment is installed to maintain the soft tissue shape around the implant site, and the wound is sutured to close the incision, promoting the healing process.
Dental Implant Surgery Process
1. Minimally Invasive Extraction and Socket Preparation:
The procedure begins with the use of minimally invasive techniques to precisely extract the affected tooth. After extraction, the socket is thoroughly cleaned and curetted to ensure no remaining debris or inflammatory tissue, providing a solid foundation for the implant surgery.
2.Preparation of Implant Site and Immediate Implantation:
Following the pre-operative plan, the implant site is progressively prepared to the correct dimensions. An immediate implant of the DentalMaster DMEqual 5.0*8 model is then placed, and its stability is tested to ensure it reaches 35N of initial stability, confirming the implant’s secure placement.
3.Bone Graft and Healing Abutment Placement:
For any existing bone gaps, bone graft material is added to promote bone regeneration. The RP healing abutment is then placed to maintain the soft tissue contour around the implant site. Fine sutures are applied to tightly close the incision and promote healing.
4.X-ray Comparison:
Pre-operative and post-operative X-rays are compared to visually demonstrate the surgical results, as well as the implant’s position and stability.
5.Final Restoration Fabrication:
Once the implant is stable and osseointegration is achieved, the DentalMaster original abutment is used in combination with extraoral bonding techniques to create and place a porcelain crown, completing the permanent restoration. The aesthetic and functional outcomes of the porcelain crown are optimized.
6.Post-restoration X-ray:
Finally, a post-restoration X-ray is taken to verify the accuracy and stability of the restoration, ensuring the patient achieves satisfactory oral function and aesthetic results.