
DentalMaster Edentulous Case Study

This case involves an edentulous patient facing a significant challenge due to severe maxillary bone deficiency. Traditional implant solutions could not provide adequate bone support. To address this issue, we adopted Dインプラントの運転 for an innovative treatment approach, ensuring long-term stability and functional success of the implant restoration.

Treatment Plan:

  • Nasal Palatal Implantation: Utilizing the bone in the nasopalatine canal area for implant placement to enhance initial stability.
  • Transnasal Implantation: Placing implants through the nasal floor to provide additional support, improving implant success rates in cases of insufficient maxillary bone.
  • Horizontal Bone Augmentation: Enhancing maxillary width before implantation to improve bone support capacity.
  • 即時ローディング: Installing a temporary prosthesis on the day of surgery to restore the patient’s chewing function immediately, increasing postoperative comfort and satisfaction.
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Treatment Outcome:

After four months of osseointegration and soft tissue healing, the patient successfully completed the final restoration. The prosthesis integrates well with the oral environment, offering stable function and natural aesthetics, significantly improving the patient’s overall experience.

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By utilizing DMDriving Implants along with advanced techniques such as nasal palatal implantation, transnasal implantation, horizontal bone augmentation, and immediate loading, this case successfully addressed the issue of maxillary bone deficiency. It provides edentulous patients with a safe, stable, and highly effective implant restoration solution.




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