Our Final Abutment series is designed to meet the specific clinical and aesthetic needs in the final stages of implant restoration. Whether you are looking for aesthetic enhancement or solutions for complex implant angles, our final abutments provide the perfect combination of flexibility, durability, and precision, helping clinicians achieve optimal outcomes for every patient. Choose from our aesthetic, angled, and straight abutments to ensure a successful, stable, and aesthetically pleasing final restoration.
All DentalMaster final abutments are available in various diameters and heights, offering multiple functionalities to accommodate each patient’s unique anatomy. They are made from durable, biocompatible materials that ensure strength and long-term reliability. These abutments are designed for easy customization, allowing adjustments for a perfect fit and alignment with the final prosthesis.
We invite distributors, hospitals, and dental clinics to join us in creating more smiles, fueled by a shared passion for dental implants.
デンタルマスター は、インプラント歯科を専門とする会社である。Nobel Biocare, Short Bicon, Straumann, Zimmer, Megagen, Dentium, Hiossenなどのブランドは各社の登録商標です。DentalMasterはこれらの企業と商業的な提携関係はありません。これらのブランドは、DentalMasterが提供する互換性のあるインプラント、インスツルメント、アバットメント、コンポーネントを正確に特定する目的でのみ言及されています。
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