Our Impression Accessories product line offers a diverse range of solutions to meet various impression needs. Open-tray impression caps are designed for high-precision open-tray impression techniques, ensuring accurate implant positioning, and are suitable for complex cases and detailed restorations. In contrast, closed-tray impression caps are ideal for routine and simplified impression processes, providing reliable ease of use and stable impression results.
Additionally, our copies are used for model fabrication in the laboratory phase, ensuring a perfect match between the restoration and the implant. The multi-unit series provides specialized accessories for handling multiple implants, making the impression and restoration process more efficient. All these accessories are precisely designed to enhance overall treatment outcomes, ensuring accuracy in impressions and reliability in restorations.
We invite distributors, hospitals, and dental clinics to join us in creating more smiles, fueled by a shared passion for dental implants.
デンタルマスター は、インプラント歯科を専門とする会社である。Nobel Biocare, Short Bicon, Straumann, Zimmer, Megagen, Dentium, Hiossenなどのブランドは各社の登録商標です。DentalMasterはこれらの企業と商業的な提携関係はありません。これらのブランドは、DentalMasterが提供する互換性のあるインプラント、インスツルメント、アバットメント、コンポーネントを正確に特定する目的でのみ言及されています。
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